Field Day 2023 June 24-25

Field Day 2023 is June 24th and 25th

Lets beat last year’s Great Event this Year


Field Day 2022  ARES/RACES was held on June 25th and June 26 at the PSOC

We were honored to have many guest visit us on Saturday from 14:00 – 16:00. 

To kick things off ARES/RACES and Hillsborough County Emergency Management partnered for an Open House Event to educate the public on amateur radio, emergency communications, and hurricane preparedness.  Tim Dudley, Director of Emergency Management, graciously welcomed our guest and started the program.  We were also honored to have our Section Manager for ARRL West Central Florida, Mike Douglas W4MDD, visit our site for Field Day.

Winlink Emails were sent to all visitors to demonstrate the use of Winlink during a time when cell phone and regular email is down.  This allows distant family to know you are safe when we have been hit by a hurricane.


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